If you are tax payer then you can save more tax by investing in LIC Infrastructure Bond. Additional Rs.20,000 Tax Exemption under Section 80CCF.
LIC Infrastructure Bond at Glance:
Term: 10 years
Minimum lock in period: 5 years
Loan on Bond: After 5 years
Interest Rate: 7.85%-7.95% after tax.
Exit options: Buy back or through Demat account
Open for Individual or HUF.
Any individual or HUF can invest in LIC’s Infrastructure Bonds Between Rs.5000 – Rs.20,000/- This will be over the Rs.1 lakh deduction allowed under Section 80C.
tax benefit example:
If you are in highest tax payers bracket of 30% can save an additional Rs 6,000 and if you happen to fall in the lower tax bracket then you can still save Rs.2,000/- by investing in LIC infrastructure bonds this financial year.
LIC infrastructure bonds not only offers capital safety but also offers fixed returns through ECS.
The infrastructure bonds will have a maturity of 10 years and lock-in period of 5 years.
After lock in period is over, you can ask issuer (LIC) to buy back bonds Or you can trade these bonds in stock Exchange.
How to Apply for LIC India’s Infrastructure Bond?
call 9945689986 in bangalore to apply. or visit and apply online at